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Showing posts from February, 2019

Why don't we follow the teachings of the great thinkers who have come before us?

Do you ever pause from an act of creation and think, what's the point of this? Someone has already written a better poem or essay or blog post. Others have painted better portraits or crafted better knickknacks or knit better scarves. I can get a dress on Amazon for less money than I will spend on the fabric, and the craftmanship will be better too. Why create? I think this all the time. The logical conclusion is not an optimistic one: why do anything, because it's all been done before, and better, by others? In particular, to our point here, all the writing on kindness and love has been written and rewritten and translated and adapted for every age, every people. We have Moses. We have the Buddha. We have Jesus Christ. We have modern writers and gurus and leaders of all kinds. The teachings are there, sitting on our dusty shelves or buried deep in our subconscious. Have we listened? Have we truly understood these teachings from these great saints and le...